Our mission is simple:

Empower local talent with the skills, connections + opportunities needed to thrive in Seattle's dynamic creative economy.

How does Seattle retain the very best talent in our region?

By choosing to participate + get involved.

SEATTLE CREATES is but a platform to empower emerging and established creatives alike. We need the support from our partners in the creative community to actively connect and create with us. By facilitating real-world opportunities to network and explore the intersectionality of arts, creativity + tech, the economic impact felt will be significant and multi-faceted, benefitting everyone in the Seattle region. Here’s how we build this culture and procure the desired effect.

economic impact


economic impact +

Innovation + Diversity

Encouraging cross-industry exposure and interdisciplinary collaboration can foster innovation within the creative sector. By bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and skillsets, workshops can generate fresh ideas and different approaches to creative problem-solving and design thinking.

Economic Growth

By equipping young creatives with business savvy and practical skillsets, these workshops can contribute to the growth of creative industries within the city. As participants develop their talents and entrepreneurial abilities, they may launch businesses, start-ups, or creative ventures that contribute to the local economy.

Long-Term Sustainability

Investing in the development of creative pathways ensures the sustainability of the Seattle's creative industries in the long run. By nurturing talent and providing support at all phases of their careers, workshops lay the groundwork for a thriving creative ecosystem that continues to evolve and innovate over time.

Cultural Enrichment

By supporting and showcasing the work of emerging creatives, workshops contribute to the cultural vibrancy of the city. They provide platforms for artistic expression and cultural exchange, overall enriching the community, and attracting visitors to events and exhibitions all year round.

Community Building + Social Impact

Workshops that emphasize community engagement and collaboration can foster a sense of belonging among participants. By building networks and relationships within the creative community, individuals may feel more connected to their city and empowered to contribute positively to its social fabric.

Job Creation + Workforce Development

By providing access to mentorship, internships, and job opportunities, these workshops can help younger creatives enter the workforce and pursue fulfilling careers in their chosen fields. This not only benefits the individuals involved but also strengthens the overall talent pool within Seattle.

Make an impact

We invite you to be a vital part of powering Seattle’s vibrant arts + culture ecosystem. If you are a patron of the arts, love music, champion creativity + design, and want to see our city flourish, this is the perfect opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

Through your generosity, we can continue offering resources, workshops, and mentorship opportunities that bolster the creative economy and propel the creative workforce forward.

A tax-deductible donation, feel empowered that you are helping steward Seattle’s arts + cultural landscape.